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Peenzone Foundation NGO is operating from Jaipur, Rajsthan, India, We are helping many children’s to provide education. Most of the children belong from rural areas and their parents are farmer by profession. They can’t afford the expense of their child’s study. while some of student is very intelligent they personally meet our NGO and ask to help them to basic study. We started to help them but our NGO budget not allowed us to provide them better study environment and food. By providing the better food and environment they can study with comfort and by getting food properly will help them to stay healthy so they can more consternate their mind to study. However government are helping out but they are not able to help them as they should. Because the lack of fundamental needs Children are hopeless to about their study. .

Peenzone Foundation Hamara Bharat Abhiyan includes educational materials for poor students of Peenzone slum areas for their educational development, food and drink to the poor and needy and promotion of forests, landscaping, land reclamation, tree plantation to contribute to environmental development.

Some of the success stories

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Peenzone foundation

Distributed Blanket’s 

Peenzone Foundation is distrbuted more than 1000 blankent to orphnaes and hospital. where thy can fight with cold.

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Making Earth Green

Peenzone Foundation is Planting more and more to trees to make earth polution free. So people can take breathe in crear enviorenment.

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Educating Poor Children

Peenzone Foundation aim is to provide free education for poor children who are not financially strong.

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